Time: 14:00-15:00, October25 Friday,2019
Location: Room 201, Mathematical Building
Lecturer:Prof. Nassir Navab " />


Robotic Imaging, Machine Learning and Augmented Reality for Multimodal Intra-operative Imaging and visualization

Title: Robotic Imaging, Machine Learning and Augmented Reality for Multimodal Intra-operative Imaging and visualization
Time:     14:00-15:00, October25 Friday,2019
Location:   Room 201, Mathematical Building
Lecturer:Prof. Nassir Navab 


In this talk, I will present an overview of our most recent advancements in Robotic Imaging, Machine Leaning and Medical Augmented Reality. I will first discuss the particular requirements for intra-operative imaging and visualization. I will then present some of our latest results in intra-operative multimodal robotic imaging and its translation to clinical applications. I will then discuss the impact of research advancement in machine learning on medical imaging and computer assisted intervention. I will finally present some applications of virtual and augmented reality in the medical domain. Starting by the current deployment of AR and VR technology within medical education, I discuss its current and future impact on surgical education and training. I will then review the first deployment of augmented reality into operating rooms in the last two decades and present some of our latest achievements in this field (see also:  https://www.medicalaugmentedreality.org/).

Introduction of Lectuer:
Nassir Navab is a full Professor and Director of the Laboratory for Computer Aided Medical Procedures, Technical University of Munich and Johns Hopkins University. He has also secondary faculty appointments at both affiliated Medical Schools. He completed his PhD at INRIA and University of Paris XI, France, and enjoyed two years of post-doctoral fellowship at MIT Media Laboratory before joining Siemens Corporate Research (SCR) in 1994. At SCR, he was a distinguished member and received the Siemens Inventor of the Year Award in 2001. He received the SMIT Society Technology award in 2010 and the ‘10 years lasting impact award’ of IEEE ISMAR in 2015. In 2012, he was elected as a Fellow of the MICCAI Society. He has acted as a member of the board of directors of the MICCAI Society, 2007-2012 and 2014-2017, and serves on the Steering committee of the IEEE Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) and Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions (IPACI). He is the author of hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers, with more than 26680  citations and an h-index of 80 as of August 2019. He is author of more than thirty awarded papers including 10 at MICCAI and three at IEEE ISMAR. He is the inventor of 47 granted US. patents and more than 50 International ones. His current research interests include medical augmented reality, computer-aided surgery, medical robotics, and machine learning.

School of Software Engineering

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