
  • 10月9日

    Title: 第20届CCF全国嵌入式系统大会(CCF ESTC 2022)活动流程<br> Time: 08:30-19:00, October9 Sunday,2022<br> Location: <br> Lecturer:魏同权、邹桉、张凯龙、邓庆绪、董云卫、陈仪香、周俊龙

  • Opportunities of ECE Master's Education at DKU/Duke

    Title: Opportunities of ECE Master's Education at DKU/Duke<br> Time: 13:30-15:00, October15 Tuesday,2020<br> Location: Room 201, Mathematical Building <br> Lecturer:Xin LI

  • Proofs and surfaces

    Title: Proofs and surfaces<br> Time: 10:00-11:30, December06 Friday,2019<br> Location: Room 201, Mathematical Building <br> Lecturer:Pierre-Louis Curien.

School of Software Engineering

Copyright Software Engineering Institute

E-mail:yuanzhang@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | Tel:021-62232550 | Address:Zhongshan North Road 3663, Shanghai